The Beautiful Face with Seas Afar

The seed of morrow is embedded in my lips,
My spirit is hidden in my throat,
Drowning voice not loud enough,
Enough for love,
I look down to see your face in my hands,
Content fills the realm of heart,
I smell the sweet soothing rain over the terror,
For I realize in my possession is only the face and nothing more,
A face that carries eyes, nose, and mouth,
But one of emotion, attitude, and...

I know this word like I know how birds soar free,
And I'm here at ground infected with a notion,
A notion that tells me separations brings solitude at deep depths,
How to understand is beyond the calm seas and beyond what I want to see,
All I know is that this bright light is blinding my perception,
Blind as I see and blind as to you.
Your body is instilled... NO! Unframed the forgotten,
But I recollect,
I still hear the stumbling, the shuffling, and the crackling,
The black of day covers the source of sounds that are not so ambient,
If I don’t know the covenant you made with it,
That I know is your face and your body afar,
Are you looking for it in the valley so plainly?
Do you long for it or the possessor?
Behold I am here and here I stay for you,
Time passes and weight gains on your face,
Neither is a luxury for the weak,
I cry...

The realizations have come to me,
I know but yet thoughts don't carry like a hug,
Hurry to my side and pluck this day,
Let us find the body and match it to this beautiful face,
Tears won't stop rolling and diving to your eyes,
I pause for the God of silence...

I hear audio in this oblivion,
I pounce to my feet,
And search...

Then to my knees and pray the prayer that my angels taught me,
I look down at the hands and see only that,
I wish to tell you the end is of smiling and dancing,
But I cannot...
For I don't know where that face went,
Where that face left of my Father.


  1. Beth said...
    Beautiful. I experience feelings of separation and loss as I read this. I love how you piece together some of the metaphors/similes "I know but yet thoughts don't carry like a hug."
    Wandering Poet said...

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