Valentine Love

Here is a first rough draft I did years ago. I think I posted this up before but I can't seem to find it. So the Poets Covenant is the best place for me to post this up. And on time for Valentines Day. Happy Valentines day to all.

I stood in awe on that fateful day
As you walked passed by
And left me in dismay
Who would have thought that a stranger
Could take my breath away
Happy Valentines
To you
With unmeasurable love
On this truly special day


  1. Wandering Poet said...
    You are still around! I was glad to read your post.

    You mentioned a very simple thing that we all probably experience sometimes. I enjoyed it very much.
    Anonymous said...
    I realy like this poem, really cute, whoever wrote it must like this person dearly. Wel done.
    Unknown said...
    Thanks so much Rich, good to see all of us here. And I can't believe and anonymous person said they liked my poem. That is great to hear. Always inspiring. Hence why I write and why me and Rich took up this project. So good to see poets getting together sharing their poetry with one another. That is the whole point of the blog. Thanks a million you guys. You all are the best :D.

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