Dire Complacency

I don't usually like writing grim poetic works but I just got inspired thanks to Richie's "Apocalyptic Whisper" phrase that I just wrote whatever came to mind. Hope it came out well. Suggestions and comments are always welcome. After all, this is a symposium of sorts to better ourselves as poets. It only works if everyone is involved. Thank you for visiting the site. Hope you enjoy what I wrote:

The scroll unravels
The fate is sealed
Lying in wait
Paradise imminent
The clock melts
Time sifts away
Years pass by
Man draws ever nearer
To such destruction
Death is at their door
No time left for remorse
Nor for redemption
The sun sets
Moon takes its place
Falls from the night sky
Time is over
Darkness consumes
The barren land
Death has given way
To the cycle of new life
Earth has reclaimed the thrown

1 Comment:

  1. Wandering Poet said...
    Interesting, once again I'm glad i've been able to give some inspiration.

    I liked it, you're right, you usually don't do grim poems, but this one served just fine.

    I think this just further proves how we are the grains of sand that are crushed in between the gears of time.

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