Jamble Ramble

This time around I got something to say,
I want to say…
That I pray for not us,
but for you and me,
I Need to tell You...
that I love what you have become,
I Want to tell You...
that it'll all be ok, like I use to.
Please don't let go,
Not like last time,
Last instance calloused me to the brink of…
We've had our counts of it and it's time to end it.
An Ankh can be seen out in the distance,
Showing our paths that we have conjured:
Jambles being played in the background,
Gypsies dancing their fourth step,
Missionaries giving out balloons,
Boys and Tigers on Sunday afternoons,
Crying outside the house,
Loving next to the rain,
You on my lips telling me that you will decay with me,
Sometimes they'll fight to the bitter-torn end,

And sometimes Love…

Love is Sometimes…

And love Sometimes…

Sometimes are Forever.


  1. Wandering Poet said...
    This one is pretty cool Paden.

    There were a few lines that I absolutely LOVE..good read.
    Unknown said...
    I agree with Rich. This poem is really fun to read. I love the whole symbolism behind it. It flows rather well and that makes this poem that much greater. This could be a song. I like how it is split up into sub-stanzas or lines I should say. It follows right after a bold statement. Great job.

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