A Reflection In Time

I would like to take the time out right now from poetry and just say a few things. I am really starting to like how the Poet's Covenant is playing out. As the name might suggest, we are a group of poets that are just trying to help each other out and compliment one another on their talented effort for what they have accomplished.

Poetry is what comes from the soul. The beauty of poetry is that anyone can be a poet. There is really no skill or talent involved. Though sometimes it may take a very talented poet to rise to the ranks as an outstanding visionary. The reality is, if you have human emotions then you can write from the soul. And when one writes from the soul one expresses something so deep so meaningful that the words come naturally and flow with the kindred spirit of the writer.

I just hope to inspire others like others have inspired me to write. Do not be ashamed of what you write. If you don't show it to others it is never really published. The whole point to writing is you want someone to see your emotions and maybe feel what you are feeling at that time. If it wasn't for showing off my writing to my friends and teachers years ago I would not be doing what I am doing today. I feel so much better and it helps to share my poetry with those that share the same passion and knowledge and can help me out where I need it the most.

In summary, I hope The Poets Covenant continues to grow and continues to create. Notice also that there are links to other fabulous sites. These are all networks of The Poets Covenant. They are also a kind of sub-division if you will. We came up with the idea of centralizing all of our work so that friends and strangers would not have to go to webpage after webpage to read content from all of our wonderful writers. But we put those links up so that one may go and explore what lead to us becoming the Poets Covenant. Now not everyone has a webpage that is on here contributing. That's because I don't know their web address or they might not have one. In any event, be sure to look around at the other networks we offer. We hope that The Poets Covenant becomes centralized enough that this will be the first place one looks to find new and exciting content from our writers.

So to end on an inspirational quote:
"We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action." -Frank Tibolt

1 Comment:

  1. Wandering Poet said...
    Its slowed down quite a bit, not too much action on any of our parts.

    I'll be trying my best to get more poetry into the site.

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