An untitled fourth

Another poem I wrote in my adolescence it is called "untitled 4" because it was the fourth untitled in my work of poems. I had no title for it because I cannot think of one and I still cannot think of one so untitled is how it stays. For now at least. Enjoy my immature poem (by my today standards). I still think it is somewhat neat.

I wish this girl could feel what I am feeling
I wish this girl could see what she means to me
All she ever does is say "hi" and "Well, I have to go now, bye."
Never really giving me her time
I wish she was mine
In due time as they say
I'll see her soon
I will fulfill my wish
An end to this unhappiness
When the time falls right
And I see the fullness of the moon
I will fulfill my wish ever so soon
If only life were that easy
The reality is, its not that pleasing
So I move on and I wait
For the time will come
The time, my love will arrive
As told by fate


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