Long Time No See!

Hello, Poets Covenant! It's been awhile since I've been here, but I thought I'd make a new post as well as read through and comment on some older posts that are new to me. Anyway, here are two poems that I recently wrote. One is a sonnet and one is a haiku.


Never did I know, that distance could cause,
A barrier so profound as the sea.
Never did I think, that timid time's laws,
Could create tensions to such a degree.
Never did I see, that changes come slow,
We fail to notice them at secret start.
All the hope I kept, continues to flow
Out of me, emptying my hurting heart.
Yet, now I see with time comes my healing,
As I walk with continuing changes.
I find myself strong, on my knees kneeling,
And no care when it all rearranges.
Hurting hearts find strength when they do not seek,
Instead, holding Hope's hand, exit the bleak.


Feeling not knowing:
Unreliable view or
All we really know?


  1. Unknown said...
    Awesome new comer to the Poets Covenant and what a way to start off an introduction. A breakout poet for their very first post. I liked the ABCB ABAB rhyming scheme for Loss. It really helped the poem flow. I loved the meaning behind it as well. The ending was just a sheer drop of emotions that culminated throughout the entire poem. Very well done, I don't see what could be improved but as with all poetry (especially my own) there is always room for improvement.

    The haiku is neat, it is thought provoking, though it is odd (and to no fault of yours) because you have to end on the word "or" like a cliff hanger. In fact I think it is a good thing. It leaves us with the question...When we feel, are we really getting the entire picture or just a snippet of the moment? Great haiku and obviously following the 5-7-5 syllable rule a haiku falls into. Well done.

    I hope to see more posts from this author. Please spread The Poet's Covenant word.
    Wandering Poet said...
    I enjoyed these very much Beth.
    Beth said...
    Thank you both for the comments. :) I agree that it was an odd choice too when I used the "or" at the end of the second line in my haiku. I felt it's use gave the feeling of discomfort and irresolution I was looking for. It seemed to give the question I was asking at the end more significance than the beginning two lines.

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